Friday, January 22, 2010

Well. This is a weird one, that will only bring back memories to a few. Another Cubs game, this one last season, a Friday nighter. (shit-ass seats are a fairly good indicator that a team like the Cubs were in town)
DeathTruck, A-Pup, and I had these nosebleeds up the first base side. What I tried to capture was this nutty little fucker who was going apeshit, dancing and cheering on the home team that was sitting next to us. He ruled.
A Blackberry is not a good camera sometimes. The kid is just a blur. He was pretty busy.
This was another Rockies' winner by the way. 6-2. The Amazing Ubaldo with the W.


TroutDog said...

I already slid into the lower bowl to hang with the C--Bass and his hammered dad.

You'd think the Rockies never lost a game based on these posts.

Sonic Tooth said...

I was going to mention your defection. We would join you later.