Monday, August 10, 2009

Tulo with some 1st inning yardwork....

Been awhile since I've done what the real bloggers call, "live blogging", but felt I should throw up a post, after that monumental Tulo-dong in the bottom of the first. Shit, that was one where you had a better chance at that ball if you were in the beer line on the left field concourse than in any actual seats.
Let's take this series. Quit looking so damn dicey DLR...
UPDATE: Tulo screwed on a granny dong numero dos. Not foul.


TroutDog said...

The weirdest thing about this post is that I was actually doing yard work, listening to the Voices of Summer when Tulo was doing his yardwork. Very nice series, fellas! That 9th inning last a somewhat sour taste, especially if FowlDog is hurt. Hope it's no biggie.

Now, to take care of some business against the Bucs......

TroutDog said...

By the way, ST, I did find my Rocks bottle jersey coozie this morning - in my freezer?!?!

Sonic Tooth said...

Better than in a recycling center.

NikB said...

What's everyone's Swanky's ETA?

TroutDog said...

Those dugout cigarettes must be filled with some sort of magical baseball dust. Rocks sucked tonight in all three phases of the game: offense, defense, and special teams.